Company Profile

Established in 2009 in Hyderabad, Telangana, our company, JYE Health Systems Modularzz, has over ten years of market experience. This has helped us gain many customers over the years. We have evolved and updated our way of working according to the trends and development of the market. We are known in the market as one of the leading manufacturers, suppliers, traders, distributors, and fabricators of products like Animal Ambulance, Vanity Van, Mobile Dialysis Van, Mahindra Supro Ambulance, Mobile Caravan, etc. We also provide ambulance services to our customers. All of this is possible because of our expert team, which ensures that all projects we undertake are completed on time. These people are the driving force behind our company, and they manage everything from running the organization to testing and delivering products.

Keyfacts table of JYE Health Systems Modularzz

Nature of Business

Manufacturer, Supplier, Trader, Distributor, Fabricator, Service Provider


Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Year of Establishment


GST Number


Number of Employees


Number of Production Unit


Number of Designers


Number of Engineers


Mode of Transport

By Road

Trading Brand Name

Mahendra Supro

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